Fast Growing Jobs

10 Fastest-Growing Occupations 1998-2008

Wondering where the jobs are? The numbers here are in thousands of jobs:


Occupation Employment Change
1998 2008 Number Percent
Computer engineers 299 622 323 108
Computer support specialists 429 869 439 102
Systems analysts 617 1,194 577 94
Database administrators 87 155 67 77
Desktop publishing specialists 26 44 19 73
Paralegals & legal assistants 136 220 84 62
Personal care & home health aides 746 1,179 433 58
Medical assistants 252 398 146 58
Social & human service assistants 268 410 141 53
Physician assistants 66 98 32 48


SOURCE: Occupational Outlook Handbook, Bureau of Labor Statistics